How To Control Fire Hazards?
We can handle the fire risk if we have a business continuity plan.A pre-planned response is offered by a business continuity plan in the case of an unexpected event.The continuity plan also includes effective measures to reduce interruption in business operations. When we consider the continuity plan for the fire hazards then it must also include measures for effective handling of fire disasters. One of the measures is to install firefighting equipment.
Firefighting Equipment
It is the equipment that is used to extinguish the fire. Now a day we are all time surrounded by different machines or devices that can cause fire mishap. So we must have some of this equipment near us to tackle any fire hazard. So in this world full of risks firefighting equipment can be used to protect people and property. These are used to reduce the risk of small fires.
Firefighting equipment can be both:
- Fixed Firefighting equipment (fire hydrants, sprinkler systems).
- Portable Firefighting equipment (extinguishers, fire blankets).
Portable Firefighting Equipment
Portable Fire Fighting equipment is that equipment that is capable of being moved and easy to use. It deals with fires that are on small scale and are detected by someone soon after ignition. The purpose of portable firefighting equipment is to stop the small fires from spreading and from going out of control because when the fire is out of control it can cause destruction on a very massive level. In small premises, it is essential to have one or more portable fire suppressing equipment so that in case of fire hazards we can rescue the premises from destruction.
Fixed firefighting equipment?
Fixed fire suppressing equipment Alarm systems are used to protect buildings that house valuable and vital equipment with immovable security measures.The system consists of several elements such as spray nozzles, deluge valves, fire tackling monitors, a gaseous fire suppression system, and a foam fire extinguishing system.
Categories Of Firefighting Equipment
Fire Alarm System:
There is a number of devices in a fire alarm system that work together to detect the fire and warn the people through alarm about an emergency when this device detects a fire, smoke, and other explosive material. These alarms can be activated automatically through smoke and heat detectors or they can be manually activated through devices such as pull stations or manual call points. Alarms might be horns or movable bells.The main purpose of the fire alarm system is to warn the people about any emergency or to activate the fire department to take some necessary steps to prevent the spread of fire.
Fire Extinguishers:
It is a device that is used to blow out the fire. They are basically the cylinders which include different kinds of the extinguishing agent inside it. They are easy to move and operate. They are available in different sizes. Fire extinguishers are very effective and are high in demand. Fire extinguishers are of many types. In order to blow out the fire, we must know which type of fire extinguisher we need.
Fire Sprinkler System:
It is an active system that is used to protect things from fire. It consists of a water supply, has adequate pressure and flow rate to a water distribution piping system, and fire sprinklers are connected with it. This system is used in factories and large commercial buildings and is available at a very cost-effective price. They are used worldwide.
Fire Hydrant System:
Fire lock is another name for it.It is basically a connection point through which firemen can tap into the source of water supply. It is one of the important active fire protection devices. Most hydrants are designed to operate on full on or full off. The arrangement of valves is for the drain valve to be open at anything other than full operation. It is good to install valves on all openings before using a hydrant as the protective caps are unreliable. If it is not handled properly can cause serious injury. The fireman that are operating them must wear gloves and helmets.
Fire Suppression Systems:
A fire suppression system consists of a group of units that are built to put out the fire through the application of a substance. This system has built-in elements that detect fires at the initial stages through heat, smoke, and other emergency signals. These are connected to the alarm system that will alert you when the fire has been detected and warn people to take some initial steps to suppress the fire. Most of the time this system will automatically release the application of an external substance to put out the fire when it is detected. However, this system also has a manual application system.
Fire Extinguisher Ball:
This ball is a fire suppressant packaged in a close-packed and lightweight ball self-immolate in 3 to 5 seconds when it is thrown into the fire and release non-toxic chemicals to suppress the flames in an area with a radius ranging between 86 to 107 square feet. it is used for Class A, B, and C Fires at Home or offices. This ball is user friendly and does not require too much maintenance.
Fire Exit Door:
This is not just a door it is more than a simple door. Fire doors should be compliant and tested to BS 476 Part 22 or to the European equivalent BS EN 1634-1. BS EN 13502-2. Compatible fixings will be listed on the certificate for the fire door and should be fitted by a competent expert. These doors are fitted to the internal areas of a building to prevent the spread of fire and smoke from one area of a building to another thus allowing people to evacuate safely and to reduce the damage caused by explosion and smoke.
Fire Blanket:
A fire blanket is safety equipment designed to suppress the flames. It consists of a sheet of a fire retardant material that is placed over flames to smother the flames. Small fire blankets are used in kitchens and in-home are usually made of fiberglass and sometimes Kevlar, and are folded into a quick-release contraption for easy storage.
Fire blankets, along with fire suppressors, are fire safety items that can be useful in case of emergency. These blankets are nonflammable and are helpful in temperatures up to 900 degrees. They are helpful in smothering the flames by blocking the supply of oxygen. It is user-friendly and due to this simplicity, it is high in demand. Larger fire blankets, for use in laboratory and industrial situations, are made of wool. These blankets are usually mounted in vertical quick-release containers so that they can be easily pulled out and wrapped around a person whose clothes are on fire.
Firefighting Pump:
A fire-fighting pump is a pump that is used for pumping fire-fighting water. Fire-fighting pumps can be designed for transporting use (e. g. on fire-fighting vehicles or as portable fire pumps) or for stationary use (such as hydrants, sprinkler systems).
Fire pumps are needed when the municipal water system cannot provide sufficient pressure to meet the hydraulic design requirements of the fire sprinkler system. This usually occurs if the building is very tall, or in systems that require a relatively high terminal pressure at the fire sprinkler in order to provide a large volume of water, such as in storage warehouses. Fire pumps are also needed if a fire protection water supply is provided from a ground-level water storage tank.
Fire Fighting Equipment
Fire suppressing equipment is available in all major cities of Pakistan. Due to the high risk, this equipment is in high demand. Universal Fire Protection CO Pvt is the supplier of this equipment. Universal Fire Protection CO Pvt is providing equipment in Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi. If you want to purchase fire suppressing equipment, feel free to contact us. We will provide you at your doorsteps.